Save-the-date-white2You’ve got Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday coming up after Thanksgiving – but with all that shopping and spending, where’s the time for giving? Mark your calendars for December 1, when Project Undercover and dozens of other nonprofits around the state will celebrate #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving to nonprofits and charities. In the fuss and hubbub of holiday shopping, we think it’s a great reminder of the need to help those less fortunate than ourselves.

Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, Project Undercover is able to match your #GivingTuesday contributions dollar-for-dollar from Tuesday, December 1-Sunday, December 6! This is a huge opportunity to help a lot of Rhode Island kids in need with a modest contribution.

This time of year, we’re focused on providing the essentials for warmth and comfort like children’s socks and underwear. A mere $10 donation on #GivingTuesday will allow to us to provide nice, warm socks for 60 local kids!

Now in its fourth year, #GivingTuesday was created by New York’s 92nd Street Y. The idea is to leverage the power of social media to get people around the world engaged in charity and philanthropy work at a time when many nonprofits need it most. Countries and causes around the world will take part with special events, campaigns, and giving incentives, and Project Undercover is excited to participate for the first time.

Be sure to post or tweet about your contribution, too! Tag us at or @PjctUndercover and use the hash tag #GivingTuesday.

Learn more about #GivingTuesday here or make a donation here.